伊部窯変耳付花入 W16.0cm D11.9cm H27.5cm
伊部窯変耳付花入 W16.0cm D11.9cm H27.5cm
Sozan Kaneshige
Sozan Kaneshige (Shichirouzaemon) was born as the third son of Baiyou Kaneshige who is the head of Kanashige, one of the top six pottery families in Bizen. Baiyou was the person who should have inherited the tradition as the leading person of Saikubutsu(handiwork) of Bizen-ware which was becoming underground at that time. However Baiyou died when Shichirouzaemon was 7. Since then his older brother,Touyou Kaneshige looked after hin instead of their father.
Sozan had been studying to make pottery under Touyou who was tought by his father (Sozan) having been known as the master of Saikubutsu(handiwork) from his younger age.
In Touyou’s teaching method, it was quite hard that Sozan should have learnt some skills such as loading and firing on his own by experiences. Later, he achieved these skills to the high level as his older brother who was known as genius in the field completely trusted his skills. Sozan became one of the vital people in the revision of Bizen ware by Touyou.
In 1951, when he visited Headquarters of Omoto (the religion Kanashige family has believed for long time) ,Kameoka,Kyoto invited by Naohi Deguchi third hierarch of it, Naohi asked him to teach pottery directly and he agreed. In the present, a genuine pottery space workshop was built, cultural people such as pottery artists became to gather from various parts of Japan. Sozan, as one ceramic artist, kept training pottery, he begun to make his own works after he turned to 50.
In 1964, he left Kyoto where he had lived for 13 years and he went back home,Okayama. He started an authentic works as a pottery artist. Sozan had devoted himself into making brown-ware, especially duplicating the pattern named “Hidasuki” in Bizen-ware of Momoyama era. As the only job from his older brother, Touyou, he archived to create vivid pattern of “Hidasuki” without faults of quality by firing in the newest electronic kiln,not in an old fashioned wooden kiln,while keeping try and error endlessly.
In 1967, he held a personal exhibition which only displayed “Hidasuki” at Kokyuukyo, Nihonbashi, Tokyo. In 1970 and 1972, he was praised at the personal exhibitions at Mitsukoshi Nihonbashi. In 1967, he received Sanyo Newspaper Cultural Award. As you see, although Sozan has become the master of Bizen-ware, he constantly keeps caring about his motto, enjoying the benefit of fire,water and soil and always being thankful from bottom of his heart to taking a part in translating the tradition. His earnest personality makes beautiful and dignified brown-ware inspired so many teaist.