練上嘯裂香爐 外径 W11.2cm D11.2cm 内径 W8.9cm D8.9cm H(陶器7.2cm 火舎含む10.2cm)
練上嘯裂香爐 外径 W11.2cm D11.2cm 内径 W8.9cm D8.9cm H(陶器7.2cm 火舎含む10.2cm)
Matsui Kousei
(Miyagi Mimei)
A father of Kousei Matsui (Mimei Miyagi ) had worked at a silk-reeling factory in North Saku-Gun,Nagano but he opened a dyeing factory in Kawasaki suffered from Showa recession. Mimei entered to Hiratsuka Mechanical High school in Kawasaki but he lost his house by the war damage. His family was evacuated and moved to Sasama which was his father's hometown. Mimei moved there after he graduated from the school too. At the time he had been learning the skill of pottery wheel at Okuda ceramic manufacturing in Jodo-sec ,Temple Gesshu.
Moving to Tokyo, Mimei entered to the Department Literature at Meiji University. He aspired to a field of literature and at the same time,he had been attending to the training course of Jodo-sec Risshi in Taisho University, getting into the Buddhism world. On the other hand, he had regularly visited Tokyo National Museum starting to research old ceramics of China, Japan and Korea. In 1952, he got married with Shuko Matsui, a first daughter of the chief priest of Temple Gesshu, calling himself Matsui. The next year, Eikou had got an ill, he entered to Temple Gesshu and becoming a priest in 1955. Mimei was 30 at the time.
Inside of the temple, there had been a kiln built in Edo era, he refurbished it in 1960. He began to copy old ceramics according to his research of them. In the same period, the research of "Neriage"skill which became his representative one had started. In his private,he had a baby -Kousei.Since Mimei used this name as an artist name and it was selected, Mimei had used "Kousei Matsui".
"Neriage"is a technic combining clays which are different in colors and thicknesses and expressing patterns by expansion and contraction. It needs a high skill because there can be cracks by a difference of shrinking ratio of clay. In 1966, Kouichi Tamura who became a Living National Treasure later, admitted Kousei had a potential of"Neriage” so he decided to dedicate himself to "Neriage". Since then, he had gradually been known as a potter whose main expressing technique was "Neriage" as a first man in ceramic arts world.
Kousei created a skill,"Doukon-Ishoku" he made different colors from same clay by combining coloring agent which could make vivid color in a little amount. Also, he succeeded to use "Neriage" with pottery wheel even though it was said impossible to do so.
The pattern was called "Shouretsu-mon" which was created by patting clay on cylinder, taking off it after adjusting pattern and arranging from inside by taking advantage of centrifugal force of pottery wheel. The works of "Shouretsu-mon" were strongly influenced processors as an expression of new pottery.